The attribution model is produced to understand the journey of transfer users and to analyze cross-channel interaction to reveal more accurate results. By making use of these models, marketers can manage their budgets for marketing activities more efficiently, evaluate channel performances more accurately, and optimize their media investments.
So why are these models important? Because traditional solutions don’t work! The effectiveness of audience measurement is still being used to assess the impact of TV advertisements. But it doesn't take TV advertising results into account. Digital analytics tools disregard the effects of TV and radio advertising despite being able to monitor the outcomes. We can see that the problem with TV attribution up until this point has been a data one.
When we look at the attribution models that Google Analytics offers us;
- Last Interaction
- Last Non-Direct Click
- Last Google Ads Click
- First Interaction
- Linear
- Time Decay
- Position-based
- Custom Models option
models are provided to us by Google Analytics.
It should be noted that; Unfortunately, it is not possible to use 100% of the potential unless a correct job is done to make sense of the data correctly. In order to make sense of the data correctly, it is necessary to look at all aspects of channel performance and to understand well at what stage of the transformation these channels contribute. However, none of these models are able to address the effects of TV and radio.
What does TV Attribution do?
Due to the media gap between TV and the web, marketers find it challenging to obtain relevant metrics and insights when using TV advertisements. However, given that TV is one of the most effective ways to raise broad audience awareness, it is anticipated that it will continue to play a significant role in an effective marketing strategy despite the unmatched ability of digital mediums to deliver personalized messages that are simple to measure. Therefore, it is of high interest to advertisers to find ways of measuring TV advertising impact.
The TV Attribution model links web data with the timing of TV ad broadcasts to give advertisers with a result-oriented measurement. As a very broad channel, TV access has an immediate impact on the traffic to websites and mobile apps. This impact often lasts for ten minutes, however it can change from place to place. Therefore, it is necessary to dynamically calculate the activity generated by each area. Session number information should be collected for the minute breakdown, and a baseline should be established. On the other hand, TV advertisements require precise airing dates and hours. Traffic that is higher than the norm for 10 minutes on average following TV advertising is ascribed to the TV ad. Data from TV channels, programs, days of the week, times of day, dayparts, creatives, costs, and groups, among other variables, are contained in these spreadsheets as usual from media firms. Advertisers can utilize the following as creative dimensions: TV channel, program, day of the week, hour of the day, and daypart. In this breakdown, advertisers can look at metrics like cost, GRP, session, and cost per session.
Integrating with Google Analytics is the simplest method for this kind of analysis. Google provides information on sessions and conversions in only a few minutes. With Google Analytics integration, session analysis will be precise. The minute breakdown's conversion data, however, won't function since every consumer's shopping experience is different. Every industry or product has a unique dynamic, and some take 10 hours while others take 20 days. Due to this, it is essential to track the consumer's trip in a method that enables consumer identification, such as by cookie ID. Although there is no personal data subject to GDPR, Google Analytics does not share cookie ID in accordance with Google standards.
Broadcasters and marketers need a specially created system that can provide exact insights into the efficacy of advertising plans and campaigns. The majority of systems do not make it possible to connect specific web data to a TV advertising campaign. At this point, Medialyzer offers its own solution, Medialyzer script, to advertisers. The TV Attribution solution from Medialyzer has a unique feature: Medialyzer Script. Google Attribution does not offer many functions that Medialyzer Script does.